report zbot_exchangerate no standard page heading line-size 200.
*& - P R O G R A M - *
*& I N C L U D E *
*& T A B L E S *
*& D A T A *
data : begin of gi_excel occurs 0,
line type string,
end of gi_excel.
data : begin of gi_header occurs 0,
line type string,
end of gi_header.
data : gi_tab type table of string,
gi_tab2 type table of string,
gi_str type table of string,
gw_tab type string.
data : gv_rdate type sy-datum,
gv_edate type sy-datum,
gv_adate type sy-datum,
gv_pdate type sy-datum,
gv_fdate type sy-datum,
gv_bdate type sy-datum,
gv_ndate type sy-datum,
gv_i type i.
types : begin of t_map .
include type zcm001_exchange.
types : ffact type ffact_curr,
tfact type tfact_curr,
end of t_map.
types : begin of t_result .
include type bapi1093_0.
types :
zindex type i,
status type string,
msg type string,
end of t_result.
data : gi_map type t_map occurs 0 with header line.
data : gi_result type t_result occurs 0 with header line.
data : gi_holi type iscal_day occurs 0 with header line.
data : gi_t247 type t247 occurs 0 with header line.
data : begin of gi_rate occurs 0,
zindex type i,
nation type string,
waers type waers,
sb type p decimals 4,
tt type p decimals 4,
asr type p decimals 4,
end of gi_rate.
data : gv_uri type string.
data : gv_holiday.
ranges : r_waers for zcm001_exchange-waers.
*& S E L E C T I O N S *
selection-screen begin of block xx1 with frame title text-001.
parameters: p_bukrs like t001-bukrs default 10 no-display,
p_date type sy-datum default sy-datum.
parameters: p_http radiobutton group r1.
parameters: p_local radiobutton group r1,
p_file type string default 'D:\ER_XLS_03102008.xls'.
parameters : p_test as checkbox default 'X'.
selection-screen end of block xx1.
*& A T S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N *
at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
data : lv_file type rlgrap-filename.
lv_file = p_file.
call function 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
mask = ',*.txt,*.*'
static = 'X'
file_name = lv_file.
*& I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N *
p_date = sy-datum.
*& A T S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N *
at selection-screen.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& A T L I N E S E L E C T I O N *
at line-selection.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& A T U S E R C O M M A N D *
at user-command.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& T O P O F P A G E *
>> Start-Of-Selection